Old Fangs
Adrien Merigeau (2010)
A young wolf travels, accompanied of two friends, to the forest where he passed his childhood. The more he go deep into the forest, the more intense are the emotions he has to face. His memories are deep as the scars that were originated with the relationship with his father, who hasn’t seen since he was little.
This short film has gained several acknowledgments as as the mention of honor at Galway film Fleadh 2009, his presence at the official section of the Sundance film festival in 2010, the especial mention of the jury at Seoul international youth festival 2010, best proposal at Animation block party in 2010, the second place at Giffoni Film Festival in 2010, the best movie award at Festanca 2010 and the special prize of the jury at Wissembourg – RICA 2010.
Adrien Merigeau studied at l’Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma de Animation de Angulema, in France. Since 2004, he has worked as animator and designer at Cartoon Saloon in Kilkenny, Ireland, where he participated in several short films productions and projects as the Oscar nominated “The secret of Kells” (2009) or the short with he debuted “Old Fangs” (2009). The great visual imaginary that he possesses reflects the use of diverse art techniques, a seal that characterized his work. Mostly reflected in “Song of the sea”, a film, which Adrien participated as art director.