Princesa china

Tomàs Bases (2015)


A siamese cat was a little girl in his passed life. And before that she was a Chinese princess and before a mother and before a lioness and before… The reincarnation circle transforms us throughout the times in all kind of beings. You get born and die to get born again.

Tomás Bases was born in Germany in 1968. He was raised in Barcelona, where he studied arts at Escuela de Artes Aplicadas y Estudios Artisticos. His professional career has brought him through a diversity of art an animation forms of expression: infographics, videogames, teaching, cultural disclosure projects, publicity, theatre, or even TV with “Nostranau” or “Pinceladas de arte”.
He is the producer of the animated series “Welcome on board”, “Sasif” and “La bruja Jaravulá”. And also of the musical video “Last night I fell” by Jenny, arranged by Caballero Reynaldo.
In 2008, directed the TV movie “Wasahali, in 2011, realized the animation pilot episode “La avioneta and in 2014, “Abriendo Puertas”, in addition to write the script for the shortfilm “Alicia y la tentación del gallo.
Apart from his animated projects, he is also a painter that exposed in some art galleries and illustrates children books. In 2017, he published the interactive illustrated book “Soy pez, soy pájaro, soy lombriz.

Princesa china

Tomàs Bases (2015)



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