La queu de la souris (A mouse’s tale)
Benjamin Renner (2008)
The lion doesn’t need a lot of effort to catch the mouse. But the mouse is going to prove that cunning doesn’t have any relation with size.
Benjamin Renner is young artist, animator and director with s solid audio-visual career. He got an international acclamation for his feature film “Ernest & Celestine”, based in the work of Gabrielle Vincent and with the script of Daniel Pennac. With this film he deserved a nomination for the Oscars 2014. In addition he won the César of animation in 2013 and he also got several awards in festivals as: Sarlat, Paris, Dubai, Bellinzone, Stuttgart, Seattle, Magritte-Belgium)
Some of others acclaimed films by Renner are “Le Corbeau Voulant imiter l’Aigle.” (2006), “Le plus gordo president du monde” (2006) and “La Queue de la souris (2007). In parallel, he created with his nickname “Reineke”, a graphic novel in 2008 and his first book in 2011 “Un bebé à livres”. With his second comic he won the award BD Fnac 2016, the Festival Tours and The award of la Jeunesse at Angulema Festival 2016.