La Traviata

Guionne Leroy (1998)


A wonderful celebration starts around the cake. Sweets, creams, little breads, cocktails and truffles participate transforming a cake without decoration to a precious gift. Everything while “No Siamo Zingarelle, Scene X of the second act of the Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi, is playing.

The short film is an extraction of the film “L’Opéra Imaginaire”, coordinated for Pascal Roulin and produced for the public French TV. The film contains 12 illustrated pieces of some of the most popular operas all over the world. Every part is made by a different artist using a different kind of animation technique to give form and movement to this musical genre.

Guionne Leroy made this short film in 1997 in the same line as the previous one: “La Traviata”, being part of the animated musical series “l’Opéra Imaginaire”. She studied at Cambre School in Brussels. Her work is mostly focused in volume animation but she has also been part of the Pixar team to work on “Toy Story”. After that, she joined Skellington team to create “James and the giant peach” and Aardman studio to collaborate in “Chicken Run”.

La Traviata

Guionne Leroy (1998)



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